Right Click Tools

Right Click Tools Client: Enterprise with Server Deployment

Topics: Right Click Tools

This is the first in a series of four posts on deploying Right Click Tools Client, but this will be the basis for the other ones, so it will include more detail. Other topics we’ll cover in subsequent posts are:

Right Click Tools Client: Enterprise with Server Deployment

For this post we’ll focus on deploying Right Click Tools Client with Enterprise server support and automating the Deployment of the Recast Client Tools:

  • Silent Installation (Via ConfigMgr App Model)
  • Standardized Settings (PowerShell Wrapper)
  • Modify user Settings to conform to standards
  • Create Default settings on new installs
  • Staying Current (Updates via supersedence) – Future Post
  • Info about supersedence

Once you’ve downloaded the Right Click Tools Client MSI from the Recast Portal, you can get it ready for deployment.

Silent Installation – ConfigMgr App Model

Silent Installation - ConfigMgr App Model
Silent Installation - ConfigMgr App Model
Silent Installation - ConfigMgr App Model Installer
Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass
Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Install_RecastRCT.PS1
Configure the rules to detect the presence of this deployment type
Specify User Experience Settings

Right Click Tools Enterprise Install Script

Install Script: [Available for Download at bottom of post]:

  • Will copy Explorer++ & PsExec to the local machine (Requires you download them into a specific place in the source folder)
  • Installs the Right Click Tools MSI (Requires you place it in the Source Folder)
  • Copies a custom Configuration.xml file into each profile on the machine (if one isn’t already there)
  • If a Configuration.xml file already exists, will make modifications to:
  • Fill out the Path for PsExec (Unless it’s already set)
  • Fill out the Path for Windows Explorer (Unless already set)
  • Enable System Information Settings (whichever ones you want)
  • Logs Install & Changes to c:programdataRecast Software

You’ll also need a configuration file as part of your source, the easy way is to install the software manually, and launch the Configure Recast RCT program.

Launch the Configure Recast RCT program
By Default, no path is set.
By Default, no path is set.
Defaults for System Information
Defaults for System Information

Go ahead and make your changes, then grab the configuration.xml file and copy it to your source folder.

Make changes then grab the configuration.xml file

The 3rdPartyTools folder has the two exe’s that are not part of Recast and you’ll have to download on your own:

Add the downloads (Extracted EXE) to the 3rdPartyTools Subfolder in your Source.
Add the downloads (Extracted EXE) to the 3rdPartyTools Subfolder in your Source.

Now we have our source folder and used it in our ConfigMgr App Model deployment. Let’s go ahead and install it on another workstation that has the ConfigMgr Console (Which is a requirement).

Install on another workstation

After installed, you’ll see your custom Config is loaded:

Custom Config loaded
Configure Recast Right Click Tools
Configure Recast Right Click Tools System Information
CacheSize has been added to System Information.
Copied the 3rd Party Tools to the local machine for your Configuration.XML to reference.
Copied the 3rd Party Tools to the local machine for your Configuration.XML to reference.

Now if you want to look at the install log for it, you’ll see all the profiles that had the configuration file copied to as well as modified.

Install log

Script File hosted on GitHub HERE
Recast Logo Image for Application HERE


If you have any questions about this post, or how to deploy and keep the Right Click Tools current in your environment, contact Recast Support.

Additional Right Click Tools Enterprise Resources

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