Security and Compliance

Patch Tuesday June 2024: Critical Vulnerability Roundup 

Topics: Security and Compliance

Welcome back to Recast Software’s monthly Patch Tuesday blog post. This June, Microsoft addressed 51 vulnerabilities across its ecosystem, including one critical and one zero-day vulnerability. Staying on top of these updates is essential to maintaining the security and stability of your IT environment. 

Critical Vulnerability Patched: Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) Remote Code Execution (CVE-2024-30080)

This critical vulnerability in the MSMQ service, with a CVSS score of 9.8, allows for remote code execution through a malicious MSMQ packet. It affects all Windows versions from Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7 onwards. Exploitation requires the MSMQ service to be enabled and TCP port 1801 to be open. 

Impact: Successful exploitation can lead to full control over the affected system, allowing attackers to install programs, modify data, and create new accounts with full user rights. 

Zero-Day Vulnerability: NSEC3 Closest Encloser Proof can Exhaust CPU (CVE-2023-50868)

A zero-day vulnerability known to be exploited in the wild has been patched. This again highlights the importance of prompt patching to mitigate immediate threats.

Significant Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office 

Several important remote code execution vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office have been addressed: 

  • CVE-2024-30101 
  • CVE-2024-30104 
  • CVE-2024-30102 
  • CVE-2024-30103 

These vulnerabilities require user interaction, such as opening a malicious document, but can lead to arbitrary code execution, potentially compromising the system. 

Additional Critical Updates 

Browser Security: Zero-Days in Google Chrome 

Google has patched two zero-day vulnerabilities in the V8 JavaScript engine, both of which were exploited in the wild: 

  • CVE-2024-4947: Type confusion in V8 leading to RCE. 
  • CVE-2024-5274: Another type confusion in V8, also leading to RCE, patched in an emergency update. 

Concerning QNAP NAS Vulnerabilities 

Researchers have disclosed 15 vulnerabilities in QNAP NAS firmware, some allowing unauthenticated remote code execution. The most critical, CVE-2024-27130, remains unpatched and poses a significant risk with a proof-of-concept released. 

Stay Updated and Secure 

It’s crucial to prioritize these updates to protect your systems against potential threats. Neglecting to patch these vulnerabilities can expose your organization to significant risks, including data breaches and malware attacks. By staying up to date with the latest patches, you not only protect your network but also ensure the stability and security of your IT environment. 

To further streamline and secure your patch management process, learn about Application Manager here

Stay vigilant and keep your systems protected. For a comprehensive overview of June’s Patch Tuesday updates, you can find Microsoft’s complete June release notes here

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