Systems Management
5 Best SysAdmin Online Communities
Topics: Systems Management
Connect and Learn from your Peers using these Best-In-Class SysAdmin Resources
Successful systems administrators (SysAdmins) know that new questions and challenges await every week. The everchanging nature of IT – hardware, software, and internal company demands – means that SysAdmins must perpetually learn to survive, let alone succeed. Thankfully, the SysAdmin community takes great pride in sharing current processes, hard-earned lessons, and tips. The following resources are the 5 best SysAdmin online communities to keep you up to speed.

1. Sysadmin Subreddit
With an overabundance of (mis)information online, savvy web searchers have begun adding “. . . reddit” to their online searches. The SysAdmin community on Reddit is certainly a must follow to track the current conversations within the field. Expect relevant questions and answers to rise to the top thanks to the democratic upvote/downvote process. If you are new to the field, start here to begin placing your feet on solid ground.
2. SCCM Subreddit
For those in the endpoint management space, the SCCM subreddit is the go-to resource for all things ConfigMgr. Moderated by some of the biggest names in the space, you are likely to find helpful tips and tricks you didn’t know you needed. SCCM is Microsoft’s 2nd largest codebase behind Windows, which means successfully managing your employers SCCM environment takes community expertise. Give a look.
3. ITNinja Blog
Formerly known as AppDeploy, ITNinja serves as a collaborative space for IT pros seeking support with software setup and deployment. Searching by software title enables ITNinja community users to quickly find the directions or answers they need. The “communities” tab adds an additional way to drill down to the information relevant to you. Current communities include “Admin Script Editor (ASE)”, “Windows Installer Wrapper Wizard,” and “AppDeploy Repackager.” Gain some SysAdmin ninja power via the ITNinja Blog.
4. Stack Overflow
While primarily known as a haven for software developers, Stack Overflow also hosts a large community of Systems Administrators. Thanks to the “tags” feature (linked above), you can easily filter for relevant content for SysAdmins. If you haven’t yet explored Stack Overflow for relevant content to improve your day-to-day, we recommend giving it a look. It will likely join your list of bookmarked pages.
5. Spiceworks
Spiceworks bridges the IT infrastructure seller and buyer communities. Today, many IT builders and users come together via the Spiceworks community to solve current challenges collaboratively. Communities, forums, current news, and reviews sections allow you to navigate this vast resource. Whether you’re implementing a new VPN, moving your on-premises infrastructure to the cloud, or parsing through PAM vendors, Spiceworks has insights to assist you.
Join the Conversation
Whether new to the job or a seasoned SysAdmin, the online resources available help the community navigate the challenge of the moment. Many find comradery via these communities as well, an important asset for SysAdmins operating in silos within their individual businesses or buildings.
Do you find value in an online SysAdmin community not listed above? Let us know via Reddit or @recastsoftware. Finally, help strengthen the Recast community by upvoting feature requests you desire to improve your workflow.