Enhance the functionality and potential of your Intune or Azure AD environment.
500 SysAdmins recently shared their experience and insights with us. Download the white paper to gain a deeper understanding of the current state of the SysAdmin field.
Download our infographic on actionable data to learn more about how Endpoint Insights can positively impact your IT team and empower efficient processes.
In this second installment of our ConfigMgr community highlights, I had the opportunity to have the MVP Maurice Daly (@modaly_it) participate. I've known Maurice for many years now, as one of my projects at my former company was starting to cross paths with a project Maurice was just releasing initial versions.
In this post I'm going to cover how we are using a ConfigMgr Baseline to control the user experience. I'm not suggesting everyone do it this way, but for us, we wanted to provide a good user experience, even to those on slow links, and make it look pretty while still looking legit, and native.
In this post I'm going to cover how we're doing our Self Service Deployments for the Microsoft 365 Apps. We're controlling it via Active Directory Group Membership.
We have setup 2 methods for channeling the Office Channel on devices. One that allows self-service via an application in the software center, and one that is forced via a baseline set on a collection.
Hey Team, thanks for reading through the Office 365 posts, hopefully at this point you've got a good grasp on the Office Setup Process, the Deployment Methods and the user experience. I happen to know a guy who has setup Office 365 Deployments in a rather large enterprise, and was faced with a few "opportunities".