Liquit Privacy Statement

1. General

At Liquit we care about privacy and keeping your personal data safe. In this privacy statement Liquit provides information about the way Liquit collects, pZrotects, uses and otherwise processes your personal data, and explains your rights over any personal information we hold about you. Please read this Policy carefully. By accessing and using the services and websites, you confirm that you have read, understood, and accepted this Policy.

Liquit B.V. is a private company with limited liability, incorporated and existing under Dutch law, having its registered office at Kastanjelaan 6, 2982 CM Ridderkerk, the Netherlands, registered with the trade register of the chamber of commerce under number 64055787, (“Liquit” or “we”, or “us”). You may contact us by email:

Liquit is the controller of personal data that we receive, generate, collect or gather via our website under (“Website”), via our partner portal under, our online services, applications and platforms (together: ”Online Services/Applications/Platforms”, by e-mail or otherwise.

This privacy statement applies to (a) the visitors of the Website, (b) users of our Online Services/Applications/Platforms, and to all persons of whom Liquit processes and uses personal data (“you”).

2. How we receive personal data and examples of data

The personal data Liquit processes and uses are (a) personal data you have submitted or provided via our Website, our Online Services/Applications/Platforms, by e-mail, or in another way directly or indirectly to Liquit; (b) personal data uploaded by a user our Online Services/Applications/Platforms, (c) personal data that is generated by receiving electronic messages of Liquit or your use of our Website or our Online Services/Applications/Platforms, and (d) personal data that is collected by our Online Services/Applications/Platforms.

Examples of personal data that you may submit, upload or provide to us are: contact details such as e-mail address, full name (first and family name), username, address, postal code, place of residence, telephone number, name of company, function/position.

Examples of personal data that are generated are: IP-address, surfing behavior and other data regarding your use of our Website or our Online Services/Applications/Platforms.

Examples of personal that are data collected by functionalities of our Online Services/Applications/Platforms when activated by Customer (e.g. the Reporting functionality): information about the identity of the users in relation to the status of the application landscape in use by Customer and events occurred.

As a general rule, we will not process special personal data except to comply with applicable legislation or to serve your particular interests. If we do process any special personal data for any purpose not mentioned in this privacy statement, we will ask for your prior consent.

3. Use of personal data

Liquit uses personal data obtained, collected or generated via our Website, our Online Services/Applications/Platforms, by e-mail, or in another way directly or indirectly to Liquit for the following purposes:

  • to provide you with our products and (online) services;
  • to respond to your requests submitted to us;
  • to contact or keep contact with you;
  • to send newsletters, mailings or other relevant information or invitations for events;
  • to inform you about products and (online) services of Liquit and any changes thereof;
  • to inform you about new developments and to share knowledge;
  • to help us to develop and improve our products and (online) services and to receive feedback about your experience of our products and (online) services;
  • to execute or submit orders;
  • to enter into agreements for our products and (online) services;
  • for administrative purposes;
  • to provide our customers and their users information about the status of the application landscape in use by those customers and the events occurred;
  • to improve the Website and our Online Services/Applications/Platforms;
  • to analyze the usage of the Website and our Online Services/Applications/Platforms.

Liquit uses your personal data on the basis of:

  • with your permission and for the purpose indicated at the time of submitting or providing your data (such as following up on a request);
  • in order to perform an agreement with you or with the company you represent;
  • when you uploaded your data at our Online Services/Applications/Platforms, we process your data to provide you access to our Online Services/Applications/Platforms and to contact you;
  • in order to provide our products and services to our customers and their users and to enable them to use those products and services;
  • our legitimate interests as specified in this privacy statement.

5. Using third parties

Liquit may use third parties if it is required to deliver our products and (online) services, to support our operations (e.g. ICT-providers, service providers or suppliers) or to comply with legal obligations. The third parties used by Liquit will only process the personal data on the request and instructions of Liquit. Liquit will conclude adequate data processing agreements with those third parties.

Furthermore we may transfer your personal data to a business partner for the purposes as set out in this privacy statement.

6. Transfer outside the EEA (European Economic Area)

We will not transfer personal data outside the EEA or share personal data to parties located outside the EEA.

7. Cookies

The Website uses functional and analytical cookies. Cookies are small (text)files that are stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when using a website.

The functional cookies are used to facilitate easy use and experience of the Website and to adapt the use to personal preferences. The analytical cookies are used to keep track with statistics of the use of the Website. Liquit uses Google Analytics van Google, Inc. to this end. Liquit has installed Google Analytics cookies in a ‘privacy friendly’ mode, in line with the user manual of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (‘Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens’). This implies that the data collected by using Google Analytics are made anonymous as much as possible and that Google will never process the full IP, always masking the last octet of the IP-address. Google will not use the collected data for its own purposes as Liquit has not granted its permission to do so. Liquit does not use other Google-services in combination with the Google Analytics-cookies. The collected data are stored by Google on servers in the USA. Liquit has concluded a data processing agreement with Google, Inc. For more information: read the privacy policy of Google Analytics.

8. Correction/deletion personal data/complaints

You have the right to access and inspect your personal data and to correct, add, delete, block, or limit your personal data. If you want to use your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation, or if you have questions about this privacy statement or other questions about the processing of your data, you may contact Liquit via email: or phone: 00 31 88 63 83 500.

Recipients of newsletters may unsubscribe by sending an email to:

If you have a complaint about the way Liquit processes your personal data, you may contact Liquit via email: Should that not lead to a solution you may contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority ‘Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens’ (

9. Storage location and storage period

The personal data will be stored on servers in a data center provided by Microsoft Azure located in the Netherlands. The back-up data center provided by Microsoft Azure is located in one or more alternative data center(s) in Europe.

Liquit stores personal data no longer than required for the abovementioned purposes or as long as needed to comply with applicable laws and regulations. Personal data collected by our Online Services/Applications/Platforms will be stored for a period of tree (3) from the day of collection.

10. Security

Liquit has applied suitable technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from loss or unlawful processing, e.g. imposing confidentiality obligations to persons involved in the processing of personal data, making back-ups of data at regular intervals, encrypting personal data, using passwords or other measures to restrict access to systems and data, sending personal data via a secured connection and the use of physical security for locations and rooms where personal data are stored.

11. Changes in the privacy statement

Liquit reserves the right to change this privacy statement. Every change will be communicated on the Website. Liquit recommends to regularly check the Website to see whether changes have been made.

The current privacy statement had been updated on November 20, 2020.

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