Right Click Tools

Recast Kiosk Deployment via Task Sequence

Topics: Right Click Tools

Recast Kiosk Deployment via Task Sequence

Kiosk Manager by Recast is a fan favorite, used by many of our Enterprise customers to help control machines with a few clicks. Sometimes you want to deploy a computer and already have all of these settings applied. Using the process Kiosk Manager uses and stealing the end results, we can create a Task Sequence module to deploy Recast Kiosk settings during OSD.

The Kiosk Deployment via Task Sequence Process

  • Create Clean Reference Machine
  • Deploy Kiosk Template to Machine
  • Verify Everything is to Your liking
  • Gather the Recast Kiosk Setting Files
  • Create a ConfigMgr Package with those Files
  • Create a Task Sequence Module to Deploy
  • Deploy a Machine with the Module and Watch…

‍Here’s a clean machine with no signs of Recast yet…

Here's a Clean Machine with no signs of Recast yet

Now we apply the Kiosk Manager Profile.

Now we apply the Kiosk Manager Profile

You can actually see the folders being created while it’s applying, and then it automatically reboots when the apply is “Complete” in the dialog.

See the folders being created while it's applying

After the reboot, it automatically logged on and applied the settings we wanted.

Automatically logs on and applies the settings

I then connect to the UNC path of the machine and grab the files needed for my source package.

Create your Recast Kiosk source folder and create three subfolders ProgramData and Program files. Then copy the Recast Software folders from both locations on your reference machine into your source.

Connect to the UNC Path

Then drill down to ProgramDataRecast Software and delete the Logs and Configurator folders. You don’t need that.

Delete the Logs & Configurator Folders

While you’re there, create the KioskProfile folder, for the one more thing you need, the Kiosk Profile XML file.

Create the KioskProfile Folder

Now Export the Kiosk Profile to that folder.

Now Export the Kiosk Profile to that Folder

Export the Kiosk Template XML file to the ProgramDataRecast SoftwareKioskProfile folder.

Export the Kiosk Template XML file

Once you have your source files, you can create a ConfigMgr package.

Create a ConfigMgr Package
Create a ConfigMgr Package
Create a ConfigMgr Package
Create a ConfigMgr Package Successful

Now, we need to create the Task Sequence module by taking the following 5 steps:

  • Copy ProgramDataRecast Software to Local Machine
  • Copy Program FilesRecast Software to Local Machine
  • Setup Registry Key: “Run Key”
  • Setup Registry Key: “Configurator” (references Profile file)
  • Enable Kiosk Mode (Trigger Right Click Action via Configurator)
Create the Task Sequence Module
cmd.exe /c xcopy programdata* “c:programdata” /E /C /I /R /Y
Create the Task Sequence Module
cmd.exe /c xcopy “Program Files”* “c:program files” /E /C /I /R /Y
Create the Task Sequence Module
REG ADD “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun” /V Apply /T REG_SZ /D “C:Program FilesRecast SoftwareConfiguratorConfigurator.exe -Mode=Apply” /F
Create the Task Sequence Module
REG ADD “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARERecast SoftwareConfigurator” /V ConfigurationFileName /T REG_SZ /D “c:ProgramDataRecast SoftwareKioskProfileRecastKioskProfile.xml” /F
Create the Task Sequence Module
“c:program filesRecast SoftwareConfiguratorConfigurator.exe” -Mode=Apply

Now you can add that “Module” Task Sequence as a sub task sequence and set the condition.

Add Module Task Sequence as a sub task
Add Module Task Sequence as a sub task

Now that the module is added to our primary OSD TS and we set the condition, we need to have a method of creating the condition (variable).

You can set the variable for the Task Sequence by using a Front End, or a Collection.

Custom OSD Frontend that sets the Variable
Custom OSD Frontend that Sets the Variable
Collection Variable
Collection Variable

Now that we have everything set up, let’s run OSD!

For quicker testing, you can deploy just the module to a set of workstations and give it a quick run.

To test easy, deploy just the module to some machines as available
For an easy test, deploy just the module to some machines as available.
Run the Module on a PC, you’ll have to manually reboot after.
Run the module on a PC that you’ll have to manually reboot after.
Successful Test… After Reboot, it auto logged into the Kiosk Mode Profile
Successful test… After the reboot, it auto-logged into the Kiosk Mode Profile.

Now that we confirmed our module works and applies the Kiosk Mode, we can run the full OSD Task Sequence.

OSD Front End, Setting this as a KIOSK machine to create Variables
OSD Front End, setting this as a KIOSK machine to create variables.
Running OSD
Running OSD

After it runs for a while, and when it’s done, you have a built Windows 10 machine all ready and all setup in Kiosk Mode.

Kiosk successfully set up

In the Console, you can confirm that all is well in the Kiosk Manager.

 Confirm all is well in the Kiosk Manager

Conclusion: Kiosk Deployment via Task Sequence

Now you have another way to deploy kiosks. You can use this to do it during OSD or use the Task Sequence module to deploy as well. Using the information in this post, it would be pretty easy to create a “portable” deployment using a PowerShell script with the source files on a flash drive to deploy on non-networked machines.

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