Enhance the functionality and potential of your Intune or Azure AD environment.
500 SysAdmins recently shared their experience and insights with us. Download the white paper to gain a deeper understanding of the current state of the SysAdmin field.
Download our infographic on actionable data to learn more about how Endpoint Insights can positively impact your IT team and empower efficient processes.
In this post, we're going to confirm OSD, and make sure we have what we need for basic OSD. This post will NOT cover the fancy stuff, but just the basics of getting OSD working.
So you've got your CM Server and some clients, now you want to surface that data via reporting. [MS Docs] Sure Power BI is cool, but who has money for that, SSRS is included and there are some pretty nifty free reports in the community. In this post, we're going to be installing SSRS 2019, along with getting it configured then installing the Reporting Service Role in ConfigMgr.
Learn about the Required Certificates needed for a CMG and how to set them up, including Client Authentication Certs, Web Cert for CMG device and Root CA Cert
Our BitLocker Dashboard, built into Microsoft SCCM, displays the compliance of devices' targeted BitLocker Policies from MBAM or CM BLM. You can also ensure keys are stored correctly in AD, MBAM, or CM BLM. Pair our BitLocker Compliance Dashboard with the BitLocker Status tool to easily remediate non-compliant devices.
Our ReLAPS Dashboard is built right into Microsoft SCCM to help you maintain the health of LAPS in your Environment. Do this by seeing which devices may have LAPS health issues through the Client Install status, as well as whether or not the password is updating and storing correctly. Then, use the ReLAPS Dashboard in tandem with Remote Software Center to install the missing client.
With our Hardware & Firmware Dashboard, built into Microsoft SCCM, you can streamline those processes. You can also make Windows 10 feature updates easier by getting the big picture on hardware and firmware pre-requisites. Finally, view the firmware status and versioning to assist with necessary firmware updates, which are often pre-requisites to Virtualization-based Security components.
The Three Rs . . . Report, Remediate, and Repeat. The Software Update Deployment Status (SUDS) Dashboard, which is built into Microsoft SCCM, does just that.
Our Active Directory Dashboard, built into Microsoft SCCM, can identify and remove, disable, and isolate stale devices that no longer exist. It can also ensure all of your existing AD devices are being properly managed by Configuration Manager.
What to do within Azure Portal to get things ready for a CMG. This was the biggest thing that tripped me up, mostly because I was using an account that didn't work properly. So just a note, if you don't log into your Azure Portal Directory with the Same "domain name" as the one you're managing, you'll run into issues.
In the previous posts we've created the Certificates required for CMG and looked at Azure to confirm we have things in place. We also confirmed we have the rights setup in Azure that are needed. Let's start the process in the CM Console.
We were hoping at this point we'd be reminiscing about the time in quarantine, gearing up for MMS in the coming week, and an overall lighter mood. But instead we've double down on our efforts, trying to win at staying home and yet being productive. During this time, we need to remember the importance of community, helping each other out, even from a distance.
Presented by the developers of Right Click Tools, get a closer look at all the new features and improvements in version 4.2, including improvements to Client Information Tool, System Information Tool, Remote Software Center and Hardware & Firmware Audit Dashboard. Plus we included several questions from the Q&A portion.